Published a National paper on “Work-Life Balance among Women Employees during Covid'19" in “Economic Challenges And Business Opportunities – Covid-19 Era”.It was published on 3rd Febuarary 2022
Awarded Pillars of India Award on 27 November 2021
Awarded Sarvepalli Radha Krishnan Professor Award on 5 September 2021 on the account of Teachers day
Awared Life Time Achievement Award on 9 May 2021
Published an International paper on “Factors of work stress among teachers in private schools”. It was published on May 2021
Published a National paper on “The Role Of Crypto Currencies In Business Transactions - Boon Or Bane Of Indian Economy, Spl Ref To Cashless Economy.”. It was published on 2020
Participated on a 1-day National level Seminar on “The Role of Crypto currencies in business transactions - Boon or Bane of Indian Economy, Spl ref to Cashless Economy.” conducted by Shree Chandraprabhu Jain College on 29 Jan 2020
Participated on a 1-day National level Webbinar on “use ofonline games in language learning” conducted by English dept.,D.G.Vaishnav college on 1 June 2020Published a National paper on “Women Entrepreneurship - A Bird Eye View .”It was published on 2020
Published an International paper on “An Overview Of Agriculture Since Independence In Indian Economy”. It was published on 2019
A resource person for a One day programme on Member Inspection Commission –C.M.Annamalai Arts & Science College held at C.M.Annamalai Arts & Science College in Chennai on 31 July 2019
Published an International paper on “Women Empowerment The Need Of The Hour”. It was published on 2018
Published an International paper on “Infrastructral Issues And Challenges In India And China - A Comparitive Study”. It was published on 2018
Published an International paper on “Demographic Change - An Instrument Of Global Growth - Conceptual Framework”. It was published on 2018
Participated on a 2-day National level Seminar on “Understanding GST and its impacts” conducted by Dept of PG and Research, DG Vaishnav College on 4th and 5th of December 2017
Participated on a 1-day National level Seminar on “Challenges for Human Resource Management in the Changing Environment” conducted by University of Madras on 24 March 2017
A resource person for a 15-day programme on Wheels Of Fire - A Short Film By Students to create an awarness among youth about the Risk involved in Harsh Driving held at D.G.Vaishnav College in Chennai from October 12th to October 25th, 2015.
A resource person for a One day programme on Member Inspection Commission held at Avachi College in Chennai on March 21th 2015
Awarded BEST FACULTY-Business Administration by Integrated Intelligent Research on Jan 2017
Mr. L. Arumugam
Participated & presented a paper titled "Women empowerment - the need of the hour" in International Conference India & Global Economy - Issues and Challenges organized by Department of Economics, DGVC on 05/03/18 & 06/03/18.
Participated in the seminar "Understanding GST and its impacts" held at National Institute of Humanities Management, Chennai.
Ms. K .Lakshmi
Participated in the FDP “Industry 5.0 opportunities & challenges” held at Rajalakshmi engineering college, Chennai on 11-03-2022 till 16-03-2022.
Participated in the FDP “Innovation Management” held at AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy at Institute of Management Studies on 21-01-2022 till 25-01-2022.
Participated in the “Word and excel” held at organised by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi under the Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) of MHRD on 17-11-2021 & 18-11-2021.
Participated in the “Multimedia enriched presentation and graphic tools” held at organised by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi under the Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) of MHRD on 10-11-2021 & 12-11-2021.
Participated in conference “Reconciliation in business practises causes, conflict and control” held at Dwaraka Doss Govardhan Doss Vaishnav college on 29-11-2021 & 30-11-2021
Participated in PDP “Recent trend in commerce” held at Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss vaishnav college on 22-09-2021 till 05-10-2021.
Participated in FDP “Road Response effectiveness, Organising self, Attitudinal shift and Decision making” held at AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy at SRM INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY on 20-09-2021 till 24-09-2021.
Participated in Workshop “Blended learning with LMS-MOODLE (Advanced)” held at organised by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi under the Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) of MHRD on 18-09-2021 & 19-09-2021.
Participated in workshop “Blended learning with LMS-MOODLE (Advanced)” held at organised by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi under the Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) of MHRD on 18-09-2021 & 19-09-2021.
Participated in workshop “Blended learning with LMS-MOODLE (Basic)” held at organised by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi under the Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) of MHRD on 11-09-2021 & 12-09-2021.
Participated in FDP Scholarly writings held at Ayya nadar janaki ammal college on 23-09-2021 & 25-09-2021.
Participated in FDP “Blended mode of teaching and learning” held at Ayya nadar janaki ammal college on 21-09-2021 till 23-09-2021.
Participated in webinar “Women empowerment through women entrepreneurship” held at Guru shree shantivijai jain college for women on 22-09-2021 till 24-09-2021.
Participated in FDP “ From research to publication “ held at Guru shree shantivijai jain college for women on 18-08-2021 till 25-08-2021.
Participated in webinar “Hallway biz 2021 held at Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss vaishnav college on 19-07-2021 till 23-07-2021.
Participated in conference “Strategies & Challenges in Higher Education during COVID-19 Lockdown Period in India with reference to the World” held organized by Government Vidarbha Institute of Science & Humanities, Amravati, India on 15-05-2020 till 17-05-2020.
Participated in conference “ The New Economist ,Internation Journal for New Economists,Volume 7,Research paper on " Evolution of Marketing in Relation to Technology” held at dept of economics and dept of business administration, dgvc on 01-06-2020 till 30-06-2020.
Participated in conference “The New Economist ,International Journal for New Economists, Volume 7, Research paper on " Indian Advertisement Industry - Traditional Vs Internet Advt” held at dept of economics and dept ofbusiness administration, DGVC on 01-06-2020 till 30-06-2020.
Participated in conference “The New Economist, International Journal for New Economists, Volume 7,Banking and Information Technology- A Brief Study” held at dept of economics and dept of business administration, DGVC on 01-06-2020 till 30-06-2020.
Participated in FDP “DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF MOOCS” held at conducted by University of Delhi, Ministry of Human Resource Development - Govt. of India, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching - Faculty Development Program on 21-10-2020 Till 27-10-2020.
Participated in FDP “ADVANCED PEDAGOGICAL TECHNIQUES” held at University of Delhi, Ministry of Human Resource Development - Govt. of India, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching - Faculty Development Program on 29-10-2020 till 05-11-2020.
Participated in FDP “ENHANCING PSYCHOLOGICAL SKILLS FOR TEACHING & PRACTICE” held at conducted by University of Delhi, Ministry of Human Resource Development - Govt. of India, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching - Faculty Development Program on 15-09-2020 till 29-09-2020.
Participated in webinar ICT enabled higher education in India held at guru angad dev teaching learning center, SGTB Khalsa college ,University of Delhi under the Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) of MHRD and Prince shri Venkateshwara science college on 12-08-2021 till 13-08-2021.
Participated in FDP “Innovations in Management Education and Research” held at University of Delhi, Ministry of Human Resource Development - Govt. of India, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching - Faculty Development Program on 17-08-2020 till 30-08-2020.
Participated in webinar “Revisiting Human Rights, Ethics and Environment” held at organized by center for human rights studies, Dept. of environmental studies, Dept. of philosophy under the the Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) of MHRD on 06-08-2020 till 07-08-2020.
Participated in “Developing Multimedia enriched Powerful Presentations” held at organized by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi under the Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) of MHRD on 12-08-2020 till 16-08-2020.
Participated in FDP “Statistical Analysis Using SPSS” held at conducted by Manonmaniam Sundaranar University under the Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT),MHRD on 05-08-2020 till 11-08-2020.
Participated in FDP “Social Media Digital Marketing” held at Sponsored by Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA 2.0) under the Project titled “Skill Development Programme on Digital Marketing” organized by School of Commerce, Bharathiar University on 10.08.2020 till 21.08.2020.
Participated in FDP “Gst Registration,Assessment and filing of Returns” held at Sponsored by Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA 2.0) under the Project titled “Skill Development Programme on Digital Marketing” organized by School of Commerce, Bharathiar University on 16-07-2020 till 29-07-2020.
Participated in FDP "ADVANCED CONCEPTS FOR DEVELOPING MOOCS” held at conducted by University of Delhi, Ministry of Human Resource Development - Govt. of India, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching - Faculty Development Program on Jul-02 2020 till July 17, 2020.
Participated in international conference “A Virtual International talk series on well being Happiness and Wisdom “held at Ministry of Human Resource Development - Govt. of India, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching on 18th june till 25-Jun 2020 .
Participated in FDP “Comprehensive e-Learning to e-Training guide for Administrative Work” held at Ministry of Human Resource Development - Govt. of India, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching on May-25 2020 till June 05, 2020.
Participated in workshop “Cognitive and Metacognitive strategies for Knowledge Acquisition” held at ,Ministry of Human Resource Development - Govt. of India, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching on 02-06-2020 till 03-06-2020.
Participated in workshop “Research Methodology” held at KES' Shroff College of Arts & Commerce, Vasantraodada Patil Institute of Management Studies & Research and University of Mumbai - Online Workshop on 19-05-2020 till 25-05-2020.
Participated in workshop “The Present and Future of Technology in Education” held at organised by Stella Maris College (Autonomous) on 27-04-2020 till 28-04-2020.
Participated in FDP “Managing online classes and co-creating moocs” held at conducted by University of Delhi, Ministry of Human Resource Development - Govt. of India, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching - Faculty Development Program on 20-04-2020 till 06-05-2020.
Participated in seminar “education and skill enachement for human resource development” held at university of madras on 23-01-2020 & 24-01-2020.
Published Research Paper Titled on “Indian Retail Industry in Relation To Information Technology” in international conference on the place names society of india tpns india , on Mar-20.
Published Research Paper Titled on “Factors Determining the job satisfaction of Employees Working in a Fertilizer Company – A Study” in international conference on Reconcilation in Business Practices :Causes, Conflicts and Control -New Normal” Post Covid Issues “Conducted by, School of Management , PG & Research Dwaraka Doss Govardhan Doss Vaishnav College, Chennai, on Nov 2021.
Published Research Paper Titled on ‘Evolution of Marketing in Relation to Technology’ in international conference on Dept. of Economics and Dept of Business Administration, DGVC ,on Jun-20.
Published Research Paper Titled on ‘Indian Advertisement Industry - Traditional Vs Internet Advt’ in international conference on Dept. of Economics and Dept of Business Administration, DGVC on Jun-20.
Published Research Paper Titled on “Banking and Information Technology- A Brief Study” in international conference on Dept. of Economics and Dept of Business Administration, DGVC on Jun-20.\
Dr. K. Rao Prashanth Jyoty
Published Research Paper Titled on “A Study on The Reliability of Digitalization Towards Preventing of Accumulating Un Accounted Money” on Bharat Institute of Higher Education and Research – Chennai on 14. 02.2020
Published Research Paper Titled on” Research Paper on Influence of Competency Mapping on Commitment -A Study with Reference to Its Companies in Chennai City” On 22.5.2020
Published Research Paper Titled on ”Thamizh Chitrilakkiyam - Role of Sitrilakiyangal In Makingthe World Modern Through Communication (With Ref. To Thudhui Llakkiyam)” On 12&13/02/2020
Published Research Paper Titled on ” Media Strategies for Marketing the Role Of Cryptocurrencies In Business - Cashless Economy” on Shree Chandraprabhu Jain College, Minjur, Tamil Nadu
Published Research Paper Titled "A Study on Impact of Stress On Commitment Of The Employees In Its Sectors" In State Level At Thiruthangal Nadar College, Chennai
Published Research Paper Titled "A STUDY ON CRYPTOCURRENCY IN INDIA - BOON OR BANE" in international conference on VIVEKANANDHA COLLEGE, VEERACHIPALAYAM, SALEM DISTRICT, on 16.02.2019
Published Research Paper Titled on “A Study for Employees Empowerment Economically" on SKPC, CHENNAI, on 09&10.01.2019
Attended a national level Conference “VAISHNAV VAIBHAV” on 12.01.2018
Published Research Paper Titled " COMPETENCY MAPPING AND COMMITMENT OF THE EMPLOYEES IN ITES A STUDY FOR EMPLOYEE EMPOWERMENT –in international conference on SKPC – CHENNAI, on 23.08.2018
Published Research Paper Titled "BE AN EMPLOYER THAN BEING AN EMPLOYEE" in international conference on ECONOMICS DEPT., DGVC, CHENNAI, on 3/8/2018
Published Research Paper Titled " INVESTIGATING COMPETENCY MAPPING MODULE FOR EMPLOYEE RETENTION IN ITES SECTOR” in international conference on SOM – DGVC, on 2/10/2017
Published Research Paper Titled " A Study on Relationship between competency mapping and commitment of the employees” in national conference on ITES - with ref. to Chennai, on 24/03/2017
Published Research Paper Titled " THE EFFECT OF DEMONITISATION LEADS TO PAPERLESS ECONOMY” in international conference on 4.03.2017
Published Research Paper Titled " COMPETENCY AND COMMITMENT OF THE CUPBREARER CERCENDOS THE COMPENSATION OF THE COMPANY” in international conference on 4.03.2017
Published Research Paper Titled "RIGHT PERSON AT THE RIGHT JOB" in international conference on 4.03.2017
Published Research Paper Titled on “ The Origin of Management is Tamil literature,” on DEPARTMENT OF TAMIL, DGVC, CHENNAI on 01.03.2017
Published Research Paper Titled " ISSUES AND CHALLENGES OF E-Governance IN THE CORPORATE SECTOR” in national conference on GSS JAIN COLLEGE, CHENNAI , on 11/12/2015
Published Research Paper Titled "Skill in Entrepreneurship Model of Human Resource" in international conference , on Jaya Group of Institutions on 7.03.2015
Published Research Paper Titled " International Journal of Business Intelligence” in international conference on 23/03/2014
Published Research Paper Titled on ” Role of Education Institutes in Improving Higher Education" in national conference on DGVC, CHENNAI on , DGVC, CHENNAI ,on 12&13/4/2013
Published Research Paper Titled on “ Right man at the Right Place" in international conference on BBA DEPARTMENT, DGVC, CHENNAI , on 8/3/2014
Published Research Paper Titled on ” PREVENTION OF CHILD SEX ABUSE AND THE ROLE OF PARENTS IN THIS REGARD" international conference on DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY, SKPC, CHENNAI on 29/02/2012
Published Research Paper Titled on "CSR - A TOOL TO CREATE A POSITIVE BRAND IMAGE" in state conference on ICSI & KRISHNASWAMI COLLEGE, CHENNAI, on 24/2/2012
Published Research Paper Titled on "Impact of Global financial Crisis on FDI" in national conference on 28/09/2011
Attended national level Webinar on “FDP ON E-TEACHING AND E-LEARNING” at DGVC AND ST JUDES COLLEGE on 29 .6.20 - 3.7.20
Attended international level conference on “THAMIZHARIN PANMUGA KALANGAL” at MAHALAKSHMI WOMEN'S COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE 17 -20 .8.2020
Attended national level Seminar on “ RANSFORMING EDUCATION THROUGH INCLUSIVE EXCELLENCE” at IQAC – DGVC on 30&31/03/2015
Attended state level Seminar on “Documents Reuired for a Start up in India “ at IIM Lucknow on 16 & 17 Nov 2020
Dr. N. Sarulatha
Published a national paper on “A study on social commerce apps -with special reference to women homepreneurs in the digital era.”. It was published on Jan 2021.
Published a national paper on “Social commerce constructs &Trust as influencers of consumer decision making with reference to fashion e-tailing.”. It was published on Dec 2020.
Published a national paper on “CRM IMPLEMENTATION: A study with reference to Avonflexpvt ltd.” It was published on June 2020.
Published a national paper on “Empirical analysis of gender differences is social networking sites usage and purpose”. It was published on Feb 2020.
Published a national paper on “A study on usage of social networking sites – Marketing Perspective”. It was published on Feb 2020
Published a paper on “A study on the facilitative role of social commerce in consumer decision making with special reference to e-tailing”. It was published on Dec 2018
Published a paper on “A study on the role of social commerce constructs for shopping fashion products”. It was published on Jan 2018
Published a paper on “Investigating age & gender differences on social commerce constructs and trust for shopping fashion products in social networking sites.”. It was published on Oct 2017
Published a paper on “A study on the role of social media networks for online retailers with special reference to fashion industry in India.”. It was published on Feb 2017
Published a paper on “Leveraging social media for marketing – A case study approach.”. It was published on Apr 2016
Published a paper on “A study on emerging trends in retail sector with special reference to social media.”. It was published on Jul 2015
Published a paper on “Enabling Social Commerce – Big Data Analytics with special reference to Social media Analytics”. It was published on Apr 2015
Published a paper on “A study on social media presence to occurrence: Social Commerce”. It was published on Jan 2014
Published a paper on “A study on marketer’s perspective of social media for Indian Banking Sector”. It was published on Dec 2013
Published a paper on “Big Data : A Marketers perspective of emerging marketing approach”. It was published on Jun 2013
Online Teaching faculty for the elective Insurance Marketing for St. Xavier Degree College, Bangalore University during the period Sept 2020.
Visiting faculty at Aachi Institute of Management & Entrepreneur Development, Chennai during the period June 2015 – April 2016.
Guest Speaker for the 1 day programme on Contemporary issues in Management at MESAI Institute of Management, Chennai.
Guest Speaker for I year MBA induction titled “Stepping stones to corporate ladder” at MESAI Institute of Management, Chennai.
Guest Speaker for the topic “Facing Interviews” at Trinity Mirror Career Fair 2015, Chennai.
Guest Speaker on the topic “Why Engineering” for I year Engineering students.
Worked on marketing activities for an upcoming CBSE school.
Best Paper Award in the International conference on Business & Technology 2021for the research topic “ Investigating Differences in social commerce apps with special reference to fashion e-tailing”.
Awarded Young Women Educator & Scholar Award at 7th National Women’s Day Award by National Foundation of Entrepreneurship Development (NFED).
Awarded Best Faculty award for the academic year 2013-2014, CARE Group of Institutions, Trichy.
Awarded Performance Excellence award in Billing Division, Nittany Decision Services, Chennai for the month of October 2003.
Awarded 3rd prize for the paper submitted on “Rural Marketing” in the State level Management Meet held at Bharath Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai.
Conducted “A study on fairness cream users and their willingness to substitute by fairness talcum powder and/or fairness soap” for CavinKare India Private Limited, Chennai.
Conducted “A study on photocopier machines used in commercial organization” for RICOH India Limited, Chennai.
Conducted a freelance project on “Consumer attitude towards Saravana Stores, T.Nagar”.
Resource person for 3-day GUJCOST sponsored National Seminar on the topic E-commerce for Business & Winning Habits.
Faculty co-ordinator for Gamification of Finance hosted by Department of Business Administration, D.G. Vaishnav College.
Faculty co-ordinator for 5 Day Webinar series – Hallway Biz 2021 hosted by Department of Business Administration, D.G. Vaishnav College.
Faculty co-ordinator for Webinar “Technostress and balancing strategies” hosted by Department of Business Administration, D.G. Vaishnav College & National Foundation of Entrepreneurship Development.
Faculty co-ordinator for Markutsav 20 hosted live in You Tube, a co-curricular Marketing Management Meet.
Resource person for Webinar – Motivation & Challenges for Women hosted by Bishop Heber College, Trichy.
Resource person for ICT Application in Teaching & Learning hosted by Indus Institute of Engineering & Technology, Indus University.
Session Chair for the track Women Entrepreneurship Development in the International Web Conference on Women Empowerment through Education, Employment, Entrepreneurship organized by Department of Economics, St. Mary’s College, Thoothukudi and National Foundation of Entrepreneurship Development.
Faculty co-ordinator for Webinar “Research Structuring & Publication Strategies” hosted by Department of Business Administration, D.G. Vaishnav College & National Foundation of Entrepreneurship Development.
Faculty co-ordinator for CALL FOR PAPERS in Online ISSN Journal -Re-Defining Economics and Business in the context of 3Cs (Contemporary Challenges, Ceaseless Competition and Changing Consumerism) - Challenges and Opportunities on the Global Confront 2020 organised by Department of Business Administration, D.G. Vaishnav College.
Technical co-ordinator for Dhrona –The Art of Teaching & Learning for Nxt Gen, Online Faculty Development Programme organized by Department of Business Administration, D.G. Vaishnav College.
Delivered “Basics of Online Teaching” module in the Online Faculty Programme - Dhrona –The Art of Teaching & Learning for Nxt Gen, Online Faculty Development Programme organized by Department of Business Administration, D.G. Vaishnav College.
Faculty co-ordinator for One day workshop on Entrepreneurial Prospects Using Digital Marketing & IoT organized by Department of Business Administration, D.G. Vaishnav College, Chennai on 14th March 2020.
Participated in a 5 day National level FDP on Data Analytics in Business Decisions organized by St. Joseph’s College of Engineering from 16.06.21 to 20.06.21.
Presented paper titled “ A study on social commerce apps – with special reference to Women Homepreneurs in the Digital era” in the National conference on Digital Entrepreneurship.
National level virtual training on ICT tools for effective assessment organized by IQAC, D.G. Vaishnav College, Chennai from 17/09/20-18/09/20.
Ten Day Online Skill Development Programme on Social Media Digital Marketing Sponsored by RUSA 2.0 by School of Commerce, Bharathiar University 10.08.20 to 21.08.20.
3 dayNational level virtual training on ICT competency for Higher education Teachers organized by IQAC, D.G. Vaishnav College, Chennai.
2 day workshop on Data Analysis using SPSS organized by Department of Business Administration, D.G. Vaishnav College, Chennai.
One week faculty orientation programme organized by IQAC, D.G. Vaishnav College,Chennai.
Seminar on GST – Understanding GST and its impacts organized by Department of Commerce, NIHM, Chennai.
Faculty Development Programme on Structured Equation Modelling using AMOS at Easwari Engineering College, Chennai.
Two day conference on National Cyber Safety &Security Standards Summit 2013 organized by Department of Electronics, Information Technology, Ministry of Communication & Information Technology, held at Chennai.
2 day National seminar on Human Rights – Dynamics and Dialectics organized by Department of Women Studies, Bharathidasan University, Trichy.
Attended Workshop on Outcome based Accreditation Process and Parameters organized by CARE Group of Institutions, Trichy.
1 day workshop on “Business Analytics for Gen Z Managers” organized by CARE School of Business Management.
Participated in Teacher’s Congruence on "Empowering Teachers to Prepare Professionals of Tomorrow" on 02/07/17.
Participated & presented a paper titled "Impact of GST on banking and NBFCs " in International Conference India & Global Economy - Issues and Challenges organized by Department of Economics, DGVC on 05/03/18 & 06/03/18.
Participated & presented a paper titled "An overview of Agriculture since Independence in relation to Indian economy. " in International Conference India & Global Economy - Issues and Challenges organized by Department of Economics, DGVC on 05/03/18 & 06/03/18.
Participated in the seminar "Understanding GST and its impacts" held at National Institute of Humanities Management, Chennai.
Ms. D. Suba
Participated in the FDP “Soft skill” held at the SCMS School of Eng and Technology, on
21-02-2022 till 25-02-2022
Participated in the Symposium “Recent Trends in IT” held at Vidyalankar School of Information and Technology on 28-02-2022 till 04-03-2022.
Participated in the FDP “Digital Pedagogy for 21st Century Teachers” held at G H Raisoni University Saikheda (M.P) School of Commerce & Management on 01-03-2022 till 08-03-2022.
Participated in the Conference “Redefining Social Responsibility and Ethical Leadership” held at Jain University on 02-08-2021 till 10-08-2021.
Participated in the FDP Research Methodology held at Prerna college of Commerce on 01-07-2021 till 08-07-2021.
Participated in the FDP “How to write a research Article” held at Christ University on 24-05-2021 till 30-05-2021.
Participated in the Webinar “DGSOM Cloud Connect (Webinar)” held at Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College on 01-06-2020 till 06-06-2020.
Participated in the FDP “Advancement of digital education in Pandemic era” held at Maharana Pratap College of Pharmacy, Kanpur on 09-07-2020 till 11-07-2020.
Participated in the Webinar “Research Project Proposal Writing” held at St. Joseph's College on 01-06-2020 & 02-06-2020.
Participated in the FDP “Open source Tools for research” held at Ramanujan college on 08-06-2020 till 14-06-2020.
Participated in the Workshop “Digital marketing” held at Google on 20-05-2020 till 06-06-2020.
Participated in the PDP “Managing online classes and co-creating MOOCs” held at University of Delhi on 20-05-2020 till 06-06-2020.
Published Research Paper Titled on “Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance” in state level conference on 01-08-2020.
Published Research Paper Titled on “Artificial Intelligence in HRM Practices” in International Level Conference on 30-01-2021
Mr. Felix Aaron K.S
Published research paper titled “The Role of Business in the Post Pandemic Era” in International Conference Economic Challenges and Business Opportunities - Covid 19 ERA, on 2/1/2022
Published research paper titled “Trustworthiness of Ecommerce Portals For Business (B2B) During Pandemic Period With Special Reference to Justdial, Indiamart, Urbanclap, Chennai “ in International Conference Stand, Start, Strive & Stabilize - Changing Business Scenario In The Backdrop Of Covid 19” in International level on on , 5/1/2021
Published research paper titled “Be an employer than being an employee “ in National Conference Economic Challenges and Business Opportunities - Covid 19 ERA “
Attended national level FDP on “INNOVATION MANAGEMENT”
On ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION from 1/21/2022 to 1/25/2022Attended national level Webinar on “HALLWAY BIZ” on DWARAKA DOSS GOVERDHAN DOSS VAISHNAV from 7/19/2021 to 7/23/2021
Attended national level FDP on “ SCHOLARLY WRITINGS” on AYYA NADAR JANAKI AMMAL COLLEGE from 9/23/2021 to 9/25/2021
Attended international level PDP on “ RECENT TRENDS IN COMMERCE” on DWARAKA DOSS GOVERDHAN DOSS VAISHNAV from 9/22/2021 to 10/5/2021
Attended international level PDP on “RESEARCH ANALYSIS FOR SOCIAL SCIENCES” on SRM INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY from 7/13/2021 to 7/17/2021
Attended national level FDP on “WRITING RESEARCH ARTICLES FOR SCOPUS” on BALA'S V V ACADEMY ,from 9/15/2021 to 5/19/2021
Attended national level workshop on “DATA ANALYSIS USING SPSS” on DWARAKA DOSS GOVERDHAN DOSS VAISHNAV COLLEGE , from 11/20/2019 to 11/21/2019
Attended national level FDP on “INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE CELL” on DWARAKA DOSS GOVERDHAN DOSS VAISHNAV COLLEGE, from 11/21/2018 to 11/27/2018
Attended international level conference titled on “INDIA AND GLOBAL ECONOMY - ISSUES AND CHALLENGES” on DWARAKA DOSS GOVERDHAN DOSS VAISHNAV COLLEGE ,from 3/5/2018 to 3/6/2018
Completed Refresher Course in EDUCATION
Attended national level Webinar on “HALLWAY BIZ” on DWARAKA DOSS GOVERDHAN DOSS VAISHNAV from 7/19/2021 to 7/23/2021
Attended national level FDP on “ SCHOLARLY WRITINGS” on AYYA NADAR JANAKI AMMAL COLLEGE from 9/23/2021 to 9/25/2021
Attended international level PDP on “ RECENT TRENDS IN COMMERCE” on DWARAKA DOSS GOVERDHAN DOSS VAISHNAV from 9/22/2021 to 10/5/2021
Attended international level PDP on “RESEARCH ANALYSIS FOR SOCIAL SCIENCES” on SRM INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY from 7/13/2021 to 7/17/2021
Attended national level FDP on “WRITING RESEARCH ARTICLES FOR SCOPUS” on BALA'S V V ACADEMY ,from 9/15/2021 to 5/19/2021
Attended national level workshop on “DATA ANALYSIS USING SPSS” on DWARAKA DOSS GOVERDHAN DOSS VAISHNAV COLLEGE , from 11/20/2019 to 11/21/2019
Attended national level FDP on “INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE CELL” on DWARAKA DOSS GOVERDHAN DOSS VAISHNAV COLLEGE, from 11/21/2018 to 11/27/2018
Attended international level conference titled on “INDIA AND GLOBAL ECONOMY - ISSUES AND CHALLENGES” on DWARAKA DOSS GOVERDHAN DOSS VAISHNAV COLLEGE ,from 3/5/2018 to 3/6/2018
Completed Refresher Course in EDUCATION
Ms. M. Renuka
Presented an article on “A study to measure the effectiveness of digital media in influencing the buying decisions of the viewers - with special reference to social media marketing” in a national level which was published in publications “Utkal Historical Research Journal” organised by Sri Kanyaka Parameswari Arts & Science College for Women on 11/06/2021.
Presented an article on “A study on job stress and its impact on the work-life balance among teaching faculties in Chennai city” in a national level which was published in publications “Utkal Historical Research Journal” organised by Sri Kanyaka Parameswari Arts & Science College for Women on 11/06/2021.
Presented an article on “A study on women’s work- life balance in it and Itescompanies during pandemic period with special reference to DLF, Porur, Chennai” in a national level which was published in publications “Anvesak” organised by Shri Shankarlal Sundarbai Shasun Jain college on 10/4/2021.
Presented an article on “A study to analyse opportunities and challenges during work from home – with special reference to ites” in a national level which was published in publications “The New Economist” organised by DGVC on 1/6/2020.
Participated & presented a paper titled “Research and innovation” in an international level organised by SRM from 05/07/2021 to 09/07/2021.
Participated & presented a paper titled “Research Methodology” in a national level organised by V V Academy from 08/06/2021 to 12/06/2021.
Participated & presented a paper titled “Innovative Approaches to Management Teaching” in a national level organised by Ethiraj college for women from 03/06/2021 to 04/06/2021.
Participated & presented a paper titled “E-Teaching and E-Learning” in a national level organised by DGCV from 29/06/2020 to 03/07/2020.
Participated & presented a paper titled “Research Structuring and publications strategies” in a national level organised by DGVC with NFED from 20/06/2020 to 21/06/2020.
Participated in a virtual training “ICT Tools For Effective Assessment -Formative and Summative” in a national level organised by DGVC from 17/09/2020 to 18/09/2020.
Participated in a virtual training “ICT Competency for Higher Education Teachers” in a national level organised by DGVC from 13/07/2020 to 15/07/2020.
Ms. M. Renu Kumari
Presented a paper on “study on how to improve mental health of employees at workplace” in a national level which was published in the publication "The Journal of New Economist, Volume 7” in the month of June ,2020.
A article titled "A study to examine the commitment in the workplace with reference to ITES enterprises in Chennai city" was published in volume 31 of the national journal "Purakala." It was initially released on January 5, 2020.
Participated in DGVC's "5 day national level virtual training on ICT competency for higher education teachers" from July 13 to July 17, 2020.
Participated in a 5-day webinar titled "Hallway Biz" hosted by DGVC on a national basis from July 19th to July 23rd, 2020.
Participated in a a 14day national conference on “Recent trends in commerce” hosted by DGVC from 22nd seeptember to 5th October,2021.
A part of a 12 week Human Resource Development conducted by NPTEL on a national level from 1st July to 1st October ,2021.
A part of a 5 day national conference on “Research methodology” conducted by VV academy on a national level from 8th June to 12th June, 2021
Attended a 5 day national conference on” From research to publication” conducted by GSSS from 25th August to 29th August 2021.
Participated in 5 day webinar on “COVID-19 - Impact on Future managers” from 1st June to 6th June, 2020 conducted by DGVC on a national level.
Participated on a 3 day national webinar on “COVID-19” from 6th of June to 8th of June, 2020 conducted by DGVC.
Mr. S. Gunalan
Presented an article on “A Study on Physician’s Awareness of Evidence Based Practice in Chennai City Hospitals” in an international conference which was published in the publications “Journal of Critical Review” organised by AMET University on 01/09/2020.
Presented an article on “Developing Compassionate Leadership in Health Care: A Review” in a national conference which was published in the publications “The Economist Journal” organised by AMET University on 01/07/2020.
Presented an article on “Importance of Medical Leadership in Health Care Management” in an international conference which was published in the publications “International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts” organised by AMET University on 01/04/2018.
Presented an article on “Vulnerabilities of Online Banking System” in an international conference which was published in the publications “Shanlax International Journal of Management” organised by AMET University on 01/03/2018.
Presented an article on “Facilitating the implementation of evidence-based practice through contextual support and nursing leadership” in an international conference which was published in the publications
“International Research journal on multidisciplinary” organised by AMET University on 10/02/2018.
Presented an article on “Leadership in Health Care for the 21st Century: a review on Challenge and Opportunities” in an international conference which was published in the publications “AMET journal of Management” organised by AMET University on 01/08/2017.
Presented an article on “The importance of clinical leadership in healthcare quality improvement” in an international conference which was published in the publications “Journal of Management” organised by AMET University on 01/07/2017.
Presented a review on “Medical tourism business and evidence-based practice: A review” in an international conference which was published in the publications “International Journal of Commerce and Management” organised by AMET University on 01/02/2017.
Presented a review on “Medical tourism business and high reliability organization: A review” in an international conference which was published in the publications “International Journal of Management Research” organised by AMET University on 01/01/2017.
Participated & presented a paper titled “Panacea of Success: The "Leadership Excellence" in a national conference organised by AICTE from 24/08/2021 to 28/08/2021.
Participated & presented a paper titled “Strategic Management in VUCA World” in a national conference organised by AICTE from 15/11/2021 to 19/11/2021.
Participated & presented a paper titled “E - Faculty development Program by USMS Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University” in an international conference organised by GGSIPU, New Delhi from 11/05/2020 to 16/05/2020.
Participated in the international conference on “Beha virial Economics and Finance, Hyderabad” organised by Institute of Public Enterprise from 16/01/2021 to 17/01/2021.
Participated in the 12th International Conference on "Digitalization as Cechile for Innovation, Organizational Growth and Effectiveness” organised by PIM, Gwalior from 17/01/2021 to 21/01/2021.
Participated in the International Conference on “Business Interventions for Effective Management of Technology and Innovation" organised by IIM Sirmaur from 06/03/2020 to 07/03/2020.
Participated in the 11th International conference on “Business, Management, and Information Technology” organised by PIM, Gwalior from 29/12/2019 to 31/12/2019.
Participated in the 5th International Conference on “Environmental Sciences & Climate Change: Accomplishments, Plans and challenges” organised by Madras University from 11/11/2019 to 15/11/2019.
Participated in the International conference on “Management Education and Research Colloquium.MERC-2019” organised by IIM, Kashipur, UK from 06/06/2019 to 08/06/2019.
Mr. S. Balamurali
Presented an article on “E-Commerce - A consideration to Implementation in manufacturing Industry” in an international conference which was published in the publication “International E-Conference on Economic Challenges & opportunities Covid-19 Era” organised by DGVC on 01/02/2022.
Presented an article on “Factors of Work Stress among Teachers in Private Schools” in an international conference which was published in the publication “Utkal Historical Research Journal” organised by DGVC on 01/05/2021.
Presented an article on “A Study on the Improvement of Skill development of Management and Commerce Students” in an international conference which was published in the publication “The Economist” organised by Annamalai University on 01/06/2020.
Presented an article on “Everybody included - Social Impact of Covid 19” in a national conference which was published in the publication “Awareness of covid 19” organised by Annamalai University on 01/10/2020.
Presented an article on “A Study on The Buyers’ Behaviour in Decision Making Patterns of Purchasing Cars in Chennai City” in an international conference which was published in the publication “JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory” organised by Annamalai University on 01/09/2019.
Presented an article on “A theoretical study on the efficiency of ICT based Education Learning & Outcome in India” in a national conference which was published in the publication “Empowering India through Digital Literacy” organised by Annamalai University on 12/04/2019.
Presented an article on “A study on evaluating the factors influencing purchase of women’s apparels in the organized retail sector in Chennai city” in an international conference which was published in the publication “International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews” organised by Annamalai University on 10/10/2018.
Presented an article “A Descriptive study on the role of internet marketing with special reference to the buyers in Chennai city” in an international conference which was published in the publication “International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews” organised by Annamalai University on 01/03/2018.
Presented an article “A study on consumers behaviour towards online shopping with special reference to Chennai city” in an international conference which was published in the publication “Emperor International Journal of Finance and Management Research” organised by Annamalai University on 01/03/2018.
Presented an article “A Descriptive Study on Consumer buying behaviour for ball pens with reference to Tiruvannamalai” in an international conference which was published in the publication “National Level Conference on Emerging commerce & Management” organised by Sun Arts & Science College, Tiruvannamalai on 23-02-2017.
Participated & presented a paper titled “National Level FDP Program” in a national conference organised by North Storm Academy from 13/05/2020 to 14/05/2020.
Participated & presented a paper titled “FDP on Teaching, Learning and Evaluation” in a national conference organised by Arulmigu Palani Andavar Arts College for Women from 04/05/2020 to 06/05/2020.
Participated & presented a paper titled “Online FDP on Emotional Intelligence” in a national conference organised by KG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore from 28/04/2020 to 30/04/2020.
Participated & presented a paper titled “Online FDP on Leader- a Real Role Model” in a national conference organised by Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam college, Pollachi from 16/04/2020 to 18/04/2020.
Participated & presented a paper titled “International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Economy For Sustainable Development” in an international conference organised by Sairam Institute Of Management Studies, Chennai from 10/10/2018 to 11/10/2018.
Participated & presented a paper titled “National Seminar on Empowering India Through Digital Literacy” in a national conference organised by Annamalai University, Chidambaram from 12/04/2019 to 13/04/2019.
Participated in the “NLP STRATEGIES ONLINE WEBINAR SERIES” in a national conference organised by “RIDHIMA DUA” from 05/11/2020 to 06/11/2020.
Participated in the “ICT Tools for effective assessment - Formative & Summative” in a national conference organised by DGVC from 17/09/2020 to 18/09/2020.
Participated in the “ICT Competency for Higher Education Teachers” in a national conference organised by DGVC from 13/07/2020 to 15/07/2020.
Participated in the “Transforming Humanity Through Sustainable Development” in a national conference organised by Poornima institute of engineering and technology from 08/06/2020 to 09/06/2020.
Participated in the “An Effective Research Paper Writing Skills” in a national conference organised by Bagwan Mahavir University from 13/04/2020 to 16/04/2020.
Participated in the “Data Analysis Using SPSS” in a state conference organised by BBA, DGVC from 20/11/2019 to 21/11/2019.
Participated in the “Empowering India Through Digital Literacy” in a national conference organised by Annamalai University, Chidambaram from 12/04/2019 to 13/04/2019.
Ms. Mahalakshmi Priyadharshini
Published an international paper on “Transformation in Commerce”. It was published on 28th May 2021.
Published a national level paper on “A benefit for Business Management” (date)
A resource person for a 14-day summer programme for Dalit poor children held at Loyola College in Chennai from June 12th to June 26th, 2021.
A resource person for 3-day program at VV academy on “NTA NET Management” that was conducted from 14th May to 16th May 2021.
Participated on a 4-day national level webinar on “RESEARCH METHODOLODY” conducted by VV academy from 8th June to 12th June 2021.
Participated on a 2-day National level webinar on “RESEARCH STRUCTURING & PUBLICATION STRATEGIES” conducted by DGVC on 20th June and 21st June 2021.
A part of a 2-day national level workshop on” DATA ANALYSIS USING SPSS” conducted by DGVC on 20th November and 21st November 2021.
Participated on a national level webinar on “RESEARCH STRUCTURING & PUBLICATION STRATEGIES” conducted by SRM Institute of science and technology on 12th August 2021.
Participated in a national webinar on “UNDERSTANDING TECHNOSTRESS & BALANCING STRATEGIES” conducted by DGVC on 2oth March 2021.
Dr. S. P. Deepeka
Published an international journal on” Strategies adopted by Serviced Apartments for Customer Attraction and Retention in Emerging Market”. It was published in the “International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics”.
Published an international paper on “Strategic Aspects of Serviced Apartment industry in Chennai - growth and challenges”. It was published in the International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics.
Submitted an international presentation on “Revenue Management and Dynamic Pricing Practices at Gateway Hotel, Chennai” in the Boning International Journal of Industrial engineering and Management Science (Volume 6).
Published an international paper on “Online travel and tourism Start-ups in India: business models & growth challenges”, in the International Journal of Marketing & Financial Management (volume 6).
Published an international paper on “A Study on the Emerging Opportunities and Scope of Serviced Apartments in Tamil Nādu”. It was published in the International Journal of Engineering and Management Research under volume 6.
A part of a 14day workshop on” Professional Development Programme on Recent Trends in Commerce” conducted by “The Institute of Cost Accountants of India in association with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell [IQAC], Post Graduate & Research
Department of Commerce, Dwarka Doss Govardhan Doss Vaishnav College [Autonomous], Chennai”.
Participated in a 14-day workshop on “Professional Development Programme on Recent Trends in Commerce” conducted by The Institute of Cost Accountants of India in association with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell [IQAC], Post Graduate & Research
Department of Commerce, Dwarka Doss Govardhan Doss Vaishnav College [Autonomous], Chennai from 22nd September to 5th October 2021.
Ms. S. Rajeswari
Published Research Paper Titled “International Journal Of Advance And Innovative Research (Part -2) Volume 7, Issue 1 (V)”
Attended FDP On Advanced Qualitative Academic Research
Attended FDP On Interpretation In Qualitative Research
Attended FDP On Application Of Statistics Tools In Research
Organized State Level FDP On Basis Of Finance
Organized National Level Webinar on Webinar on Investment & Portfolio Risk management at SIMSREE institution, on 7/14/2020
Mr. S. Shankar
Published Research Paper Titled “Strategies Adopted by the IT Sectors through HRIS to maintain a sustainable growth in Pandemic situation towards the Organizational Performance” in International Conference on Kalyan Bharathi, on 11/1/2021
Published Research Paper Titled “Strategy Adopted by Human Resource in Media - An Overview” in national Conference on Parishodh Journal, on 2/1/2020
Published Research paper titled “A General Perspective on HRIS and its application in the Organization- An Overview” in national conference on International Journal of Business Intelligence & Innovations on, 3/1/2019
Published Research paper titled “The Impact of HRIS Application and its Benefits for the employee working in Multinational Companies with reference to Kancheepuram District” in International Conference on Ajanta- An International Multidisciplinary Journal, on 3/1/2019
Published Research Paper Titled “A Study on Rewards and Recognitions and its Impact on Employee Performance with Reference to Select IT Sector” in International Conference on Review of Research (International Online Multidisciplinary Journal), on 3/1/2019
Published Research Paper Titled “A Role of Human Resource System in Human Resource Development” in national Conference on International Journal of Business Intelligence & Innovations, on 2/1/2019
Published Research Paper Titled “A Study on Rewards and Recognitions and its Impact on Employee Performance with Reference to Select IT Sector” in International Conference on International Journal of Business Intelligence & Innovations, on 2/1/2019
Published Research Paper Titled “Policy for Women Empowerment” in national conference on Social Inclusion and Gender Justice, on 10/1/2015
Attended National level FDP on Learning Basic Statistics and Data Interpretation Using SPSS at Saveetha Engineering College on 9/25/2021
Participated in National Level Seminar on Quality Enrichment and Excellence in Indian Higher Education System in the Era of Globalization at Dhanraj Baid Jain College on 2/26/2017
Completed Refresher course at Teaching Learning Centre - Ramanujan College & MHRD on 20th Feb 2022- 6th March 2022